Thursday, November 5, 2015

NaNoWriMo 2015: Day 5

Normalcy. After yesterday’s skirting of disaster with the crashing MacBook Pro, today was just normal. Woke up a tad late and realized I forgot to load the coffee machine. End result: I had less time in the morning session. Also, new characters entered the stage so I had to suss out who they were. Slowed me down. Only got 1204 in the morning. A combination of iPod writing and more laptop writing tonight got me up to 1732 words today.
Day 1: 3464 (3464 total; 46,536 remaining)
Day 2: 2325 (5789 total; 44,211 remaining)
Day 3: 2637 (8426 total; 41,574 remaining)
Day 4: 1709 (10,100 total; 39,900 remaining)
Day 5: 1732 (11,900 total; 38,133 remaining)

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