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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Forgotten Music: Overview

Fresh off the Forgotten Music Week Patti Abbott hosted back in January, I volunteered to spearhead future Forgotten Music reviews. I like once a month since it gives us all time to think about what we'd like to write about and time enough to write the review. My wife thinks "forgotten music" is albums that used to be known but have slipped under the public's radar nowadays. I tended to think of it as music the general public doesn't know about...yet. Either one works for me.

So, the guidelines:
  • The last Monday of every month, I'll send out an e-mail of the folks who participated in the previous Forgotten Music review cycle. This time, I'm drawing from the folks who commented on my first FM review back in January. That's eight commenters and one guy who e-mailed me separately. We'll at least have ten this Thursday. In the future, anyone who wants to join just drop me a line or comment on the monthly review and I'll corral your name into the big list.
  • Post your reviews on the last Thursday.
  • I'll post the complete list on my blog in addition to my own entry. I'm going to post them like Jeff Pierce does with the Forgotten Books Project over at The Rap Sheet. That is, one post for The Rap Sheet's forgotten book entry and a separate post of all the links.
That's it. No big deal.

Looking forward to remembering (or learning about) some great music this Thursday.


  1. How about forgotten music being albums that were recorded several years ago but have only recently seen the light of day. Some examples

    Poco - The Last Roundup A Live album recorded in 1977, not released until 2004.
    Chicago - Stone of Sisyphus recorded in 1993, released in 2008.
    The Rhythm Dukes - FlashBack recorded in 1970 released in 1995

    Would you consider those to be "forgotten" albums? I still have to write up my review for tomorrow.

  2. I'm the guy who emailed you separately. My review has been ready for a week and will go live tomorrow. Thanks for doing this. I'm looking forward to it. BTW, I agree with your wife. I interpret this to be "albums that used to be known but have slipped under the public's radar."

  3. Bill, Todd, Perplexio, and Charlie - I have y'all's names already.

    Perplexio - Anything is fair game. I wrote my extensive review of SOS in 2006 when the album was finally released. Still, there are a good number of CHI albums that can fall into forgotten gems.

    Charlie - I tend to see both sides. For my January entry, I did an album (Apparat Organ Quartet) that most people never heard of. For tomorrow, it's a lost (or unknown) gem from a famous group...

  4. My piece is ready to go. Short and sweet as it deals with a single rather than an album.

  5. George - I can't find your blog address. I click on your name and I get a blocked message. What link can I use for you?

  6. Mine is set up to post tomorrow "morning" at 12:40. I'm looking forward to reading some of the other reviews and hopefully learning about some cool new (or old) music I'm not already familiar with.
