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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Forgotten Music: February 2010

Welcome to the first Forgotten Music Project. Inspired by Patti Abbott's Forgotten Book Friday series, here we examine music that has fallen off the public's radar or other music that never made a blip. We're doing this on a once-a-month basis, the last Thursday of every month. Aside from my own entry, a few other music enthusiasts have joined in the inaugural reviews.

Paul D. Brazill

Bill Crider

Martin Edwards

Ray Foster

George Kelley

Evan Lewis

Todd Mason


Charlie Ricci

If I have missed your name or got the wrong address, let me know and I'll fix it here and for future months. Anyone can join: just let me know here in the comments section, by e-mail, or in the comments section of my entry that you'd like to join in next month and I'll add you to the list.

I've very excited to read everyone's entry. Thanks to all for participating. See you on Thursday, 25 March.


  1. Thanks for hosting FORGOTTEN MUSIC, Scott. Hope this becomes a regular feature like FORGOTTEN BOOKS.

  2. I'd forgotten about this. I'll try to remember next month.

  3. It Will Stand! Good crop the first time round...not to praise myself in the collective, mind you.

  4. George - I plan on keeping this thing going awhile. Once-a-month is not too difficult.

    Randy - Looking forward to it.

    Todd - My wife is intrigued. The deadline snuck up on her. She's already picked out an album for next month. Now, I just gotta get her to write it.
