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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Charm of Zachary Levi

Clearly, this impromptu Shazam-themed week is a direct result of me seeing the film and wanting more with the character. There's the movie review, a review of one of my comics, and I wrote a little about the movie serial. Today, it's about the man himself.

I think it goes without saying that a large chunk of what makes the character Shazam work in the new movie is how you think thirty-seven year old Zachary Levi actually comes across as a fourteen year old boy. It's charming. It's wish fulfillment. It's what I said is one of the movie's greatest strengths.

But from what you get in Levi's various interviews, Levi is a down to earth guy happy for his turn in the superhero ring.

Men's Journal

I've read this magazine for years, and it's rather entertaining to see the different types of photos the publish of Levi. On the cover and inside, you see the stern, superhero visage staring either at the camera or off in the distance. Yet when they follow Levi on a tandem skydive, you see the true Levi: mouth open, grinning from ear to ear, excited for life and his opportunity.

Of all the things I've seen and read, this feature article by Mickey Rapkin digs into the man himself. I knew about the TV show "Chuck," and while I'm a fan of Amazon's "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel," I haven't watched season two yet (Levi's in it). I basically had the impression Levi did a lot of work, but in things I hadn't seen. Turns out, he wasn't working quite as much as I thought--or he wanted. The article explores both this part of his career as well as some of the mental health issues he experienced, especially after he narrowly missed out on the role of Star-Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy. To quote from Levi himself: "You wouldn't talk to your friends the way you talk to yourself. So knock it off."

I really appreciated his insights into what's important in life, and he's grateful for the opportunity given to him. He took it and gave it his all. It shows on screen. Give the story a read.

Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Levi's manic energy comes out as two comic book readers--Colbert is known for his love of all things formerly known as geeky--discuss the origins of the original Captain Marvel and having his own action figure.

How Levi Got in Shape

The Looper video goes into detail here, including a short discussion on the internet trolls issue I frankly first learned about in the Men's Journal article.

Levi and His Teenaged Co-Stars

If you need any more evidence Levi is just a big kid, here he is with Jack Dylan Grazer and Asher Angel for Teen Vogue as they are quizzed on their superhero knowledge.

Levi and Director David F. Sandberg

For the technical and storytelling aspects of the film, I recommend this joint interview with lead actor and director.

Empire Podcast

Episode 358 of the Empire podcast interviews Levi, and I was struck not only by the ebullient spirit Levi has, but the gratitude about this opportunity. And his feeling of responsibility about the eighty-year-old character of Shazam. Really enjoyed it. Listen Here..

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