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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

"Castle" - Picked up for full season

Michael Ausiello, from Entertainment Weekly, is reporting that ABC has picked up "Castle" for a full 22-episode season. Best news I've heard all day.

If you haven't been watching my favorite show* of the season, head on over to for the latest episode.

I think ABC has done well to pick up Castle. The writing improves every week and last night's episode marked a high point with the chemistry between Nathan Fillion and Stana Katic. I don't usually record Castle. I should have recorded last night's episode. It was that good. Come to think of it, I'll just watch it again on Hulu.

If you want a top-notch weekly recap, head on over to and read Elena Nola's column. For more news, is the place to go.

*Favorite new show: Flash Forward


  1. Excellent news. I love the play between Castle and Beckett. Castle's home life is fun to watch, too, and it's rare for me to like supports.

  2. Honestly, when I first saw the teasers for Castle before the first episode aired my expectations were quite low. I didn't expect it to last even a single season. I was even more surprised that my wife enjoyed it as she generally shies away from shows like that (the last one she got into was Crossing Jordan). I believe it used to compete with Heroes so I'd usually skip it in favor of Heroes but after Heroes wrapped up their season and Castle was still going I started watching it with my wife and was pleasantly surprised. It has certainly grown on me. I too am happy to hear that it's been picked up for another season.

  3. The only new show I've been watching is Flashforward.

  4. I love FLASH FORWARD and CASTLE, too. This week's Castle wasn't as good as last week but I think it's because they were setting up what might be its demise.

  5. I'm very excited about this, I've loved Castle since it started. One of my 2 new favorite shows last season along with Fringe. Nathan Fillion is fantastic!

    Got the Heat Wave book already, haven't read it yet though.

    Hope Castle continues for a long time.

  6. Who REALLY wrote Heat Wave though? I've read that the writer remains in character throughout the book. Meaning the dedications and etc. were written based on the Richard Castle character on the show.

    Since Richard Castle is a fictitious author and I don't believe Nathan Filion had the time or inclination to write a book... was it one or more of the writers from the show?

  7. I just downloaded the audiobook (unabridged) from Unfortunately, my greatest wish for this book (Fillion reading) didn't come to pass. I'm not sure who actually wrote the book. My guess would be series creator Andrew Marlowe.
