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Friday, April 24, 2009

My first published short story this weekend!

It is difficult to explain how excited I am about this weekend. On Sunday, over at David Cranmer's wonderful and entertaining Beat to a Pulp ezine, my first published short story, "You Don't Get Three Mistakes," will be published. This is the first piece of fiction I've written that will be published.

It's a western but with some deductive flair.

When I got word from David that he'd accepted my story, needless to say, I was ecstatic. Beat to a Pulp's editor, Elaine Ash, then contacted me and we worked through a few points here and there. I hope all editors with whom I will work in the future are as easy-going Elaine. We got the story into ship-shape and now it is going to be sent out into the world.

I hope everyone will head on over to Beat to a Pulp on Sunday when the story goes live. This week's two-fer of Frank Bill stories makes him a hard author to follow.

Thank you, David, for accepting my story.
Thank you, Elaine, for helping me get it publishable.
Thank you, Readers, for just being there.

And check back here on Monday to see what this one little story hath wrought.


  1. Congratulations. I'm looking forward to reading it.

  2. It's a winner of a story and I know readers will be asking for more.

  3. Bill - Thanks for the good words. Here's the irony. I earned a graduate degree and endured some scathing peer and professorial critiques. Putting this story out there is weird. Not that I wouldn't want to keep the story to myself. It's why I write: so people can read my material. Still, it's a little...

    Jay - I hope you like it.

    David - Thanks for the continual vote of confidence. You should be in Texas where we used to vote early and vote often.

  4. Congratulations! I'll be there on Saturday to read it. Western stories are always great.

  5. Flattery will get you everywhere! Thanks for the kind words, Scott and keep writing! You're off to an amazing start.

  6. There's nothing like the first time. You'll remember this one long after some of your forthcoming sales fade.

  7. Ed's right, Scott, the first one you'll remember forever. And it's a damn fine story. Congratulations!

  8. David's spot on with his comments - the story is great. And I'm glad to see it's a western.

  9. Barbara - Just remember: this is my first western. Be gentle if I got something wrong.

    Elaine - I'm just speaking truth, ma'am.

    Ed - One of the things this story has done for me is remind me to get back to work on the next one.

    Sandra - This is certainly a heady experience. Thanks.

    Martin - Muchas gracias from the Lone Star State.

    Gary - Like I mentioned above, this is my first western. I've only read four total in my life. Let me know if I can improve.

    John D. - You, especially, will be surprised, perhaps happily, about what this one western story has spawned in my imagination...

    Doug - Thanks. And I'm looking forward with great interest to *your* first published story.

  10. Scott, not to concern yourself...there is nothing wrong with any of your descriptions. I especially liked the 'painted horse'. Excellent storyteller.

  11. Barbara - Again, thank you for your praise. It means a lot.

    Paul - My wife grinned when I told her your comment. She appreciated the British phrase. Thanks. Now, the hard part: write a second story.

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