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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fantastic Weekly Blog: Bullets, Broads, Blackmail, & Bombs

I have Google Reader and I link to nearly 25 things, some news, some music, but the rest fiction related. One of the blogs I have come to enjoy a lot is Bruce Grossman's Bullets, Broads, Blackmail, & Bombs over on Bookgasm. Generally, he takes a theme for the week, reads 2-4 books on that theme, and writes about them. What makes this one blog rise above the rest is twofold. One, he reads at an incredible rate. Unless these are books he has read a long time ago and is just now writing about, he is actually reading this many books per week. (Excuse me while I mop up the drool.) Two, the books he chooses are right up my alley: pulp fiction, pure and simple. I have not gone back into his back catalogue (that's the only downside so far; no way to search) but he reads those paperbacks that I so love. It's a great way to spend 5 minutes on a Wednesday morning.

So, do yourself and your Wednesdays a favor: bookmark Bullets, Broads, Blackmail, & Bombs. You'll be glad you did. (Today's topic: TV Shows and their books, including Cyborg, the novel that spawned The Six Million Dollar Man.)

[ERROR: Mr. Grossman was kind enough to reply to my message. He also let me know how to find all the things he has written. Here is what he said:

"Type grossman into the search bar on the site. That will bring everything I've reviewed up including all my columns."

And, since you all want the easy link, Mr. Grossman has provided it here.

Apologies and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. well thanks for the plug and type grossman into the search bar on the site. That will bring everything I've reviewed up including all my columns.

    Everything I've reviewed
