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Sunday, May 5, 2019

Free Comic Book Day 2019: The Haul

I spent the bulk of my selections of free comic books selecting things I'd never heard of except for the DC comics ones. But the two stores I went to in Houston--The Pop Culture Company and Bedrock City-- also yielded some interesting finds.

Probably the most fun comic was a Shazam 100-page giant. What great timing considering I just had a Shazam-themed month of posts.

I've heard good things about Denny O'Neil's run of The Question, and I picked up volume 1.

I love Hard Case Crime but have never read one of their comics. Now I have one.

Finally, a pair of books devoted to pulp fiction. One is Don Hutchison's book about pulp heroes while the second is a book called THE PULPS, published in 1970. Here, author Tony Goodstone actually read hundreds of pulps magazine and selected some representative samples. Looking forward to seeing what a guy in 1970 thought was a good sample.

So, what issues did you buy yesterday?

1 comment:

  1. Scott, looks like you got some dandies there. Triggerman really caught my eye. Thanks for sharing.
