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Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Gig with Beat to a Pulp

As you might have heard, David Cranmer asked if I'd help out with the editing over there at Beat to a Pulp. It was a no-brainer. David is on the cutting edge of all things pulpy, and I'm proud to have had my first professional story published under the Beat to a Pulp banner. I'm looking forward to the job, and I thank David for his confidence in me.


  1. Congrats, Scott! David does a nice job with things. I'm sure you will, too.

    Tom Roberts
    Black Dog Books

  2. Congrats! Don't forget us little people at Murder by the Book when you hit the big time :)

  3. Evan, Charles, Patti, and Tom - Thank you all for your well wishes.

    Anne - I can tell you, without reservations, that one of the ways in which I will know I've made it, is to have an author event at Murder by the Book. It is truly one of the driving forces in my fiction career.

  4. Congrats, buddy. I'm sure you will do well.
