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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Do Some Damage Nominated for David Thompson Award at Spinetingler

Do Some Damage, the group blog of which I am a part, has been nominated for the David Thompson Community Award over at Spinetingler. Not only do I love blogging with seven other fantastic crime/mystery writers, I am truly humbled to be up for an award named after my late friend, David Thompson, of Murder by the Book and Busted Flush Press.

I congratulate the other nominees, especially fellow DSDer Steve Weddle, whose year-old, ink-on-paper magazine, Needle, has also been nominated.


  1. Congrats to you and the whole DSD team. Since NEEDLE is also nominated that makes Steve W Man of the Year in my book.

  2. Ayuh, it does. (That's my Maine-ish accent there) We have to ask him about his secret...

  3. Barrie - Yes, we're all excited for the nomination. Makes what we do just that much more rewarding.
