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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Forgotten Music: Call for Entries - May 2010

Hello all. This Thursday, 27 May, is the May 2010 edition of the Forgotten Music Project.

By now, I've collected some regulars. Here's the new deal: I'll post links on Thursday to everyone who posted in April. If you have the time, great. If you can't make it, you can either let me know before Thursday (and I'll remove your name) or not not (whereby readers can jump to your blog and read your latest entry). I've got at least one newcomer (looking forward to your post, James). If you want to join and you haven't posted before, just let me know and I'll get your name on the list for Thursday morning. As usual, I"ll do a summary at the end of the day.

Looking forward to everyone's entries. Mine will coincide with Star Wars Week on my blog. It doesn't take a Jedi Master to figure out what I'm going to write about after you read my post for tomorrow.

Until the 27th...


  1. I've got something. Haven't decided what, yet, actually. But it'll be up on Thursday!

  2. I have a great CD to rave about Thursday, Scott. I'm looking forward to reading about yours.

  3. I'm in as usual. Mine is already written and dated to go up automatically Thursday morning.

  4. Not sure what mine will be on but I'll come up with something.

  5. Mine is here:

  6. Just getting to everyone's name. I've got everyone here on the list. What I don't have is Chris's URL.

    Chris: what's your URL?

  7. Mine's here: Forgotten Music: SNATCH
