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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

CSI: Miami Recap - Episode 2 "Hostile Takeover"

Riddle me this, Batman: how was last night's CSI: Miami episode like a Batman story? To find out, you'll have to check my inaugural episode recap over at


  1. Good observation about the Batman themes...but Bats would have just pounded on the hostage taker and then asked questions. You gotta love the bat's directness.

  2. Yes, the miraculous escape bothered me. But only a little. Why spoil the fun?

  3. Does anyone know why they did away with Horatio's line at the beginning of the show, where he would say some clever pun after observing the crime scene? That was the best part of the show, and a staple for years.

  4. Doug - Nuance is not the Bats' forte.

    Randy - I agree: why spoil the fun. I've been reading old Tarzan books and the coincidences are rampant. But I don't care.

    Rakeback - My guess is to stop some of the parody. But, then again, that's what marks CSI: Miami as being unique. Bring back the quips!

  5. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
