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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Treason at Hanford: Chapters 15 & 16 online

Everyone gets a double-shot today. Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 are now available over at Texas Pulp Writer.



  1. This is the first I've read your work and I enjoyed it immensely. Very well done.

  2. Thank you. The Truman book is finished. I'm writing novel #2, a contemporary crime story set here in Houston post-Katrina. I will finish it this year. Then, I'll be able to focus my energies on Novel #3 and some short fiction.

    If you keep reading and see something out of sorts, please let me know. I had an agent for a year but she was unable to land a contract. Now, after I finish Novel #2, I'm going to fix up the Truman book and start the process over again.

  3. I will let you know if I spot something and good luck. This work needs to be published.

  4. Thanks again, David. No matter what happens to this novel, it's my first and I enjoyed writing it, editing it, thinking about it, and re-reading it. I'm bringing it to my writing group nowadays and getting some new eyes on it. Who knows....

    I'm glad you enjoy it.
