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Friday, August 29, 2008

Texas Historical and Literary Blogs at Texas Blog Notes

Recently, former librarian and life-long Texan, Will Howard, e-mailed me with a neat invitation. It seems someone had read my blog and recommended that Howard include my blog on his new bibliography of Texas-related literary and historical blogs. Needless to say, I was quite surprised and honored, especially when you consider some the other Texas author sites Howard chose (Bill Crider or Rick Riordan) are full-blooded professional writers with long careers. At that point, I was honored and humbled. Now, I have to step up.

Howard has compiled this bibliography and its available at a new website: Texas Blog Notes. If you are interested in Texas, history, or literature with a Texas slant, I encourage you to go on over and check out Howard's list. As a historian, a writer, and a Texan, this bibliography is a wonderful way to spend some great hours reading and learning and just having fun.